Autumn Wreath Ideas

What Base to Use for a Autumn Wreath?

Fresh mosh such as sphagnum can make a fantastic base for autumn wreaths. Moss is readily available during this season, and if you keep it moist and watered, it will help your gorgeous autumn leaves and foliage retain their amazing color and luster for longer.

What Colors Signify Autumn?

Autumn is probably the season that we have the strongest color association with. During this season, the natural world takes a dramatic change, and this results in a range of super, bold colors in a relatively narrow pallet. If you have ever walked through a forest or explored the outdoors during Autumn, then you know what colors you can expect for a seasonal Autumn wreath:

  • Orange

  • Red

  • Yellow

  • Brown

  • Purple

  • Beige

Instead of lighter pastel colors and greens and blues, we get an incredible display of fiery colors like orange, red, and yellow. These are deep colors found mainly on leaves and foliage and this makes Autumn wreaths some of the boldest available.

While orange, yellow, brown, and red dominate Autumn wreaths, we get a few other complimentary shades of purple, pink, and beige which are found in a range of different tree varieties.

What Foliage is Best for Autumn Wreaths?

Autumn wreaths rely heavily on the beautiful colors from leaves during this season, so this makes up the bulk of your foliage. This can be groups of individual leaves fallen from trees, or branches and twigs with leaves attached to support the base better.

  • Dried leaves
  • Eucalyptus
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Hydrangeas
  • Burlap

Aside from the leaves and plants like Eucalyptus and Hydrangea, some autumn wreaths also feature wheat, corn, and burlap to further complement the rustic aesthetic.

What Decorations Look Great on Autumn Wreaths?

Autumn wreaths are perhaps the type that showcases the natural world the best and there isn't a huge range of decorations.
Instead, these wreaths are usually bursting with autumnal foliage like leaves in a gorgeous array of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns.

  • Pumpkins

  • Acorns

  • Pinecones

  • Chestnuts