Collection: Autumn Wreaths (7)

When the glory of warm season finishes we notice a steady change in our surroundings and as Autumn approaches temperatures drop, there is less light, and we get to experience an entirely new colour palette. The greens are replaced with beautiful shades of orange, yellow, red, and brown and what better way...

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When the glory of warm season finishes we notice a steady change in our surroundings and as Autumn approaches temperatures drop, there is less light, and we get to experience an entirely new colour palette. The greens are replaced with beautiful shades of orange, yellow, red, and brown and what better way to show this than with an Autumn wreath?

Autumn wreaths look incredible and typically feature items like deep red maple leaves, berries, acorns, and other magnificent foliage that falls to the ground in forests. There are also some amazing speciality wreaths during this season like spooky Halloween wreaths and wreaths with fruits and greenery that flourish during this season.

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An Autumn Wreath for Your Door

Autumn is a time of preparation. The natural world casts off it’s greenery and hunkers down to deal with the upcoming gloom and cold of winter. Forests are transformed into gorgeous and ethereal places and the floors are decorated with carpets of brilliant orange, red, yellow, and golden leaves. It’s a fantastic time to be outdoors and witness the world changing. You can bring this change and burst of colour into your home with an Autumn wreath.

Autumn wreaths are truly varied and we supply a range of brilliant designs and styles. The typical colours as mentioned are orange, yellow, brown, pinks, reds, and gold. This gives a stark contrast the spring and summer and allows you to decorate your home in a completely different and fresh manner. You can still find some greenery but the greens are more muted to reflect the lack of sunlight and growth during this season. 

Dried flowers are highly popular for Autumn wreaths too and you can get some astounding wreaths with eucalyptus, pine cones, berries, and roses. The often-subtle colour palettes are understated but look amazing and you get that musky smell too like potpourri.

There is plenty of vibrancy and bright designs too and these are typically Halloween wreaths. You can expect bursts of bright orange in these wreaths with pumpkins and other foliage. Browns are a common colour too either with things like twigs and branches, or even wicker constructs that form the basis of the wreath.

An autumnal wreath really is a superb decoration and you could have one on your front door or in you entrance hall to make a statement as people enter your home. We feature a superb selection of Autumn wreaths made with both artificial and natural materials and various sizes to suit your individual needs.

How to Care for an Autumn Wreath?

If you have an artificial autumn wreath less care is needed. You shouldn’t need to replace any of the items and it doesn’t need watering either. Just make sure that you store it carefully once the season is over – consider placing it in bubble wrap or within a padded container to prevent damage.

Real autumn wreaths with things like foliage and maple leaves require more care. If possible, we advise keeping them out of direct sunlight for too long as this can cause the natural items to fade, dry up, and wilt. Also, consider spraying the weather with water occasionally to keep any greenery vibrant and fresh.

How Long Will an Autumn Wreath Last?

This depends entirely on the type of Autumn wreath and the items it is composed of. Obviously, artificial wreaths will last for years and won’t degrade it quality.

However, real Autumn wreaths can have a much shorter shelf life. If you have items like berries and pumpkins on your wreath you might need to replace those parts after a couple of weeks. Things like maple leaves and pine cones are usually more robust and you might not even have to change them. Just be careful when handling items like these as they can become brittle over time.

How to Hang a Wreath?

The easiest way to hang an Autumn wreath on your front door is to use a special wreath hanger. These are simple metal constructs that hook over the top of your door (while still allowing it to close properly). From the hook there is a part that hangs down and has a lip on the end that you place the wreath over.

Alternatively, depending on the thickness of your door you could use magnetic clamps. A magnetic system uses two magnets – one each side of the door. The magnetic force holds them together despite the door in-between and on the front magnet a hook is attached that you hang your Autumn wreath from – easy!

Ribbons and coat hangers with adhesive pads are also brilliant hanging options and don’t damage your door in any way.

What Size Wreath Should I Buy?

This first depends on where you intend to hang the wreath. If you want to use it inside as an interior Autumn decoration, the simple rule is to leave plenty of space surrounding the wreath so things don’t look too cluttered.

For door wreathes we advise measuring the internal parts between the frame. The average size in the UK is 30 inches and as a result you should buy a wreath that is 5-10 inches narrower than this. For example, if your door was 32 inches wide, a wreath with a diameter of 25-28 inches should look fantastic.

Artificial vs Real

There are those who love artificial wreaths and swear by them and there are those who would only every buy real wreaths. Both have their merits and there isn’t a clear winner – it’s simply down to personal preference and practicality for your situation.

Artificial Autumn wreaths require little to not maintenance so need far less effort. You can simply hang them and then package them away again once the season is over. In contrast, Autumn wreaths with natural materials require care such as watering, clipping, and adding new materials. However, natural wreaths usually smell fantastic and are often more vibrant and fresher than artificial ones.